About Us

Monmouth Cemetery Association

Memories from current MCA member Hugh LeMaster “For, many, many years the Trustees met at Bragdon-Flanders funeral home hosted by H.Earle Flanders. Earl sold most of the lots for many years.  His mentor, Carol Bragdon, was a trustee and did the same. When I joined in the mid 1980’s lots were six graves for two hundred dollars. $100.00 for the graves, $100.00 for perpetual care. I gradually took over lot sales from Earle and did most of it for many years until I started working out of town in 1998.”

Do you have memories you would like to share? Send us an email!

Trustees of the past

Wendell Hartford, Joe Bergeron, Gordon Bragg, Norm Slaunwhite, Hack Dearnley, Archie Wing, H. Earl Flanders, Karen and Michael Cyr, Bill Fairchild